We found indoor sitting at the table alone instead of playing outside, she had earlier tripped and fell, hit her forehead against the steel cabinet. She was sporting a big bruise on the right side of her forehead. What a unlucky day for the birthday girl! She was surprised and happy to see us in school at this time of the day.

She was even more happy and excited to see pile of Barney sticker books and quickly grabbed it off my hand!

Archie came along to celebrate his sister birthday despite being under the weather! What a sweet boy he is!

苏老师 patiently set up the cake and candles while Mrs Wong ushered the kids into their seats.

She looked pleased with her Barney Cake.

The video showing the birthday song singing session, her shy behaviour surprised her.
After cutting the cake, the kids proceeded to the main hall, where they waited
for the birthday girl to distribute the presents!

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