Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2 weeks old

Archie is now 2 weeks old. Today, we brought him to the clinic for a review on his jaundice. PD told us although his bilirubin level only decreased slightly, she was happy with the improvement. Archie has made a weight gain of 500grams in slightly more than a week.

After putting on weight, he is starting to look like Sarah, however he has a more serious look compared to Sarah's cheeky look.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A week old

Put Archie near the balcony this morning for some sun, hoping that it will bring down his bilirubin level.

He is a week old now.

晨曦,清晨的第一道光,刚而不烈,带来希望, 充满生命力。

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 6

Brought Archie for his check up with his PD today, he has only gained 30grams. PD advised us to increase  the quantity of his feed! His jaundice readings has shot up as well, might have to go back again in three days time if it does not subside. Apart from that, Mama Flo is running a temperature due to engorgement. Poor Mama.

Flo just brought to my attention the other day that both our kids are borned with the exact dimensions, head width and body length!

Some photos of him enjoying his nap. He is starting to show some resemblance of Sarah in certain angle. 
This one looks exactly like Sarah.
Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The first smile

The first smile that we captured on day 4. We first spotted him smiling yesterday. His grin can be wider than in the picture.
He still sleeps most of the day away, however he is very particular about cleanliness, he cannot tolerate any amount of poo in his diapers, no matter how little it is. Very unlike his sister.
He opens his eyes more often now, it looks like his eyes can still get bigger.

Mama adores his side burns.


Archie in action

Home alone with mama.
His eyes are gradually opening up, his movements and actions are getting stronger.

His first smile for the camera.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There is a traditonal belief that when bringing the baby home for the first time and introducing him to his elder sibling, a gift should be given to the elder one. The elder one will be told that it is a present from her younger sibling, this is to let her generate good positive vibes about her sibling rather than jealousy.

Being the ever kiasu parents, we bought her a few toys.

A drum set.
A yellow duckie soft toy that she saw at kiddie palace the other time, we bought it secretly.
A pair of maracas.
She enjoyed shaking her maracas, the previous pair which we bought in Bali has already been damaged due to her forceful shaking!
Bribery always work.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

When Sarah meets Archie

We brought forward the introduction of Archie to Sarah. Our original intention was to introduce them only when Archie is back home. As Mama and Sarah were missing each other, I decided to bring her along on my visit.

Immediately upon setting foot into the ward, she was up to mischef. There she was fiddling with the dispenser.
Finally the two siblings met for the first time! Thankfully, she did not show any sign of jealously upon seeing Archie being carried by Mama.
Our new expanded family portrait.
Take 2.
Flo's first photo alone with Archie.
Aunt Jen's first attempt on carrying a new born.
He looks different again.

Our little Monkey, just cannot sit still.
Sarah bidding farewell to Archie, before he returns to his nursery.
Papa pushing Archie back to his presidential suite.
Sarah wants to tag allow to send her brother back
Very helpful big sister
One more look at her little brother before sending him in.
Bye Archie!
Back in the nursery, Archie was enjoying his 'blu ray' to help with his jaundice.

While Mama was away

Sarah brought the doggies to the pet shop for grooming. She was very excited to see the resident big dog in the shop, the more he barked at her, the more excited she became!

Day 1 & 2 through Mama's Lens

Some photos of little Archie, taken by Mama through her S90.

Archie and Papa. Taken just after we were transferred from the delivery suite to the ward. This was the first time Papa carried Archie in his arms.
Here is Archie in his container. Poor boy. Resting in the nursery after the nurses cleaned him up.

The first frontal shot of Archie, Jennifer says he has my BIG nose. 
Day 2. Already he looks a bit different from yesterday.
He has white spots on his face, particularly concentrated on his nose. PD says there are signs of jaundice, hence he has to be put on the UV bed.
Mama could not resist firing away her camera.