The dilation has began, which means Bei should be borned within the few days or by the end of the week.

We went for our scheduled consultation with Dr Fong today, it was brought forward from the end of the week as Flo has been experiencing contractual + lower abdominal pains since the latter part of last week. Upon hearing the symptoms, Dr Fong said there was a lot of downward pressure and wanted to check on the cervix. From the examination, he discovered that the cervix has already dilated to a width of about 2cm. Next he proceeded to the ultrascan, due to some unknown reasons, the attempts to gauge bei's weight were in-conclusive, the first take was 3kg, the second 2.1kg and the third at 2.3kg
-_-" . After doing an ECG test, bei's heart rate was normal but contraction movements was charted as well. Dr Fong decided to send us to TMC for a more thorough scan to ascertain his weight as well as the blood pressure.
The test results at TMC were good, bei has grown to 2.5kg, his blood pressure is normal and the best news was the placenta has fully moved up, as such c-section is not necessary for delivery! However, as the cervix has dilated, we are told to monitor bei closely and be prepared for delivery any time this week.
We are very excited and looking forward to seeing him.
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