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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas with Grand Papa Richard!

The kids got to meet their 外公 on christmas night, as the Kwan family was having a gathering at grand uncle Choon Tuck's home in Tampines.

The last time we saw Grandpa was at the bowling alley!

Archie clicked with Grandpa immediately and was being carried by him most of the time. Sarah, being older and more shy, took a while to warm up to him.
A very cheeky smile by Archie for the camera.
Grandpa stopped eating his dinner and played with Archie on his lap.
He even took Archie out for a walk.
Sarah gave Grandpa a hug in exchange for her christmas present.
Her favourite christmas present, a set of colourful ikea cutlery, she is so passionate about food that she is even excited about things related to food!
A hug to great uncle Choon Tuck in return for his present!
Archie received presents as well, he even went forward to collect his own present! How independent.
After Sarah was done with unwrapping all her + Archie's present, the kids sat with Grandpa on the couch to play. It's nice to see them bond.
Archie with grand auntie Tina.
Archie with grand auntie Judith.

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