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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing day dinner at Brian's

Brian invited us to his place for dinner on Boxing day.

He & Sarah dining at their kids only table.
After dinner, the kids were playing with the mountain of toys that Brian has. Sarah found a toy stethoscope and played doctor on Archie!
Sarah tearing open her present from Brian, a set of playdoh, Archie could not wait to snatch it from her!
Papa found a 母子椅 lying around, he excitedly put Archie in it, who found it fun to be sitting inside.
That's Archie's present from Brian, an oversized Thomas. He loved it so much that he could not stop drooling over it.
His present from 奶奶。
Inside it was a lovely set of clothes, seems that he likes it.
Liked it so much that he had to eat it.
Brian giving little Archie a big hug, so hospitable.
After opening their presents, it's back to playing Brian's extensive network for Thomas trains.
Train can wait when there is ice cream.
Archie stealthily sneaked up to 姑姑 and refused to move after he got his first taste of ice cream.
He is really enjoying it.
The kids drawing at the table with 奶奶。
A fun night with lots of great food and fun.

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