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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Song & Hay

Went out with 奶奶,俊翔, 姑姑 和 姑丈, on a sunday morning. 
First stop, Fishery Port Rd, to stock up on the fishes. While the mummies were choosing the fishes, the kids were playing happily outside.
Next stop, Hay Dairies Goat Farm. After getting to smell the goats, the kids got to drink goat's milk! Sarah got to try the chocolate goat milk, she seems to enjoy anything with chocolate.
Archie boy was not interested in milk for once, the ice cold coke caught his eye. Look at his super high waist shorts!
 I have no idea what she is up to here.
After lunch, at the mushroom cafe, we took a short stroll and managed to capture a few shots of our boy.

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