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Monday, November 8, 2010

Deepavali 2010, Part 2

After the waterfront, we decided to pop by fidget. However, upon arrival, we realised that we have not brought our socks and decided against purchasing expensive socks from them, so we went to the nearby Jacob Ballas Children Gardens instead. Sarah visited here once when she was a 6 month old baby.

As we did not have our water gear as well, we shunned the water play at the entrance and headed straight for the hedge maze. Sarah hated the crackling sound of the husks, which they used to paved the maze, made with every step she made. She refused to step on them again after she got out of the maze.
 Archie watching the action nonchalantly from the comfort of his pram.
 While Sarah was playing with the beetle puzzle,
 the rest of us took a break in this hut.
 Next stop, we went to cross the swing bridge. She was afraid of losing her balance initially, but as she mastered how to counter the swing, she rather enjoyed it.
 Archie boy made it across too.
 The caring big sister helping to push her baby brother. Mama commented that Sarah was more worried about Archie not returning the pram to her!
 Harassing Archie hoping that he would get off the pram! Archie just goes on chewing the pram strap.
 Stopped for some refreshment back at the entrance/exit.
 She started making monkey faces at the request of Mama.
 This is the 'Open your eyes big big' look.
 This is the 'I'm busy eating my fries and nugget, no time to pose for photo' look.
Part 3 to come, I' m amazed that we managed to squeeze so much activities into a day.

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