surprisingly, the bus was very crowded and i ended up having to stand carrying sarah for about a stop before one nice old lady nudge me to take her seat. i felt bad but i knew i was not going to be able to handle carrying sarah and standing throughout the whole journey. as this was the longest bus ride that sarah ever took, she got a bit restless halfway. once or twice she let our a scream and people in the bus all turned around to look. there was nothing i could but try my best to entertain her. boy was i happy when we finally reached our stop.
i think she has gotten very used to moo moo's house. the moment we stepped in, she was walking around and smiling at everyone cheerfully and cheekily. in no time, she started keeping herself entertained.
here she is playing with my foldable brolly. she was very excited as usually she was not able to handle the bigger umbrellas but this one is smaller and very light.

then she went on to play with all the cushions on the couch. she din even mind when yi yi gently placed a cushion on her head. she even tot it was funny.



for those who do not know, "Boo.... Ah!" is sarah's version of peek-a-boo : D
here she is looking so pleased as she attempts to walk in an over-sized pair of slippers...

after getting bored with watching Miss World 2008, she decided to practice her gymnastic skills on ipoh's bed...(this is something that papa usually don't encourage in fear of her spraining her neck!!)

think papa will freak out even more when he sees the next picture of mama helping sarah to do more difficult stunts.

she started getting cheekier....

a delighted girl in the lift when she gets to go out as lunch was not ready yet...

landed at ground floor and somehow she knew she just had to turn right to get to the playground. she got a little freaked out by the swing today, duno why. papa not around maybe?

Sarah: Are you watching me?

Sarah: HAHA! i got the money $$$

so we headed to the supermarket. i grabbed some meat balls so that i can cook with instant noodles should i get hungry the next few days where papa is not around to grab my favorite foods at various places. we nearly 'lost' sarah as we were walking through one of the lanes to the cashier. we found her putting herself up for sale... oh no! she only cost $4.75! any takers? : P

next destination - Tom & Stephanie
she was simply mesmerized by the cute sound from this toy and in no time it was hers to bring home (on top of a bath robe and dress)

12.30pm!! we scurried back for lunch as the fiesty princess was getting hungry. Epi cooked great food which is no wonder why sarah finished a huge bowl of porridge. received a call from papa saying he could actually book out now! yipeeeee!! upon his appearance at the door, sarah got stunned for a few seconds and then started running towards the door calling PAPA non stop. if only i had this lovely sight video recorded. her smile was the sweetest and happiest one i ever saw and she immediately wanted papa to carry her. she hugged papa and laid on her shoulders, occasionally lifting her head to look at his face. for once, even maama could not carry her. papa was delighted by this dramatic welcome i am sure. headed home together as a family, napped together as a family and now i am left with sarah alone again as papa book back into camp. :(
hope he can come out tomorrow again.
It feels so good to be welcomed back by her. Seeing her running toward the door, shouting "papa papa!"