anyway, the alarm went off and she did not hear it at all, continuing to sleep like a log. i took the chance to sneak down to kitchen to make her probiotic as well as freshen myself up for work. as i was about to get changed she woke up. i think it is because i turn on the room light. so i got her changed first....
here she is playing with my DBS IB chip whilst looking at me comb my hair...
self entertaining herself digging out the stuff in my handbag...
saying 'no more' (i have no idea to what) hee.....
in no time, we were both out of the house and at the bus stop to wait for the bus to go to school. Here she is sitting at the bus stop looking as though she is looking out for the bus and eating her biscuit that i gave her....
asking me for more biscuits....
the cheeky look she gave when she got another chip of the biscuit the moment she sat down onboard the bus...
still munching slowly on the biscuit....
looking a little shocked when i left her on the seat to take a full view of her.. hehe....
that was morning of day 2 without having Papa at home! hope everyday will go smoothly for me...... *prays*
her face is so cheeky as always!