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Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Miss Chatterbox

time flies. sarah has been attending 'school' for about a week now and i am going back to work in 3 days!!! so scary!!!

today, sarah woke up in one of her best moods. we guessed she is feeling all fit and healthy again. after her morning feed, she laid on our bed yakking and yakking away to me, squealing with laughter every now and then. cut her yakking session short as we were running a little late today. i quickly dug out a toy rattle from her drawer for her to play during the journey to school. i shook the rattle and her eyes were instantaneously drawn to the sound. after a while, i left the rattle beside her and the next minute, she actually picked it up with her tiny fingers. well done baby!

oh yes, she probably just wanted to put something in her mouth as usual... ;)

like every other day, we will pass her over to the teacher, sign her in and head to the nearby coffeeshop for breakfast. afterwhich, we will peep at her thru the window before heading off. it usually puts our minds much more at ease when we see her sleeping. when we peeped today, we did not see her in any of the baby cots. we then spotted her in the netted cradle on the floor. the teacher who was rocking her saw us and told us laughingly that sarah did not want to sleep and they realized she just wanted people to chit chat with her and was talking non stop. no wonder sarah is so well known in school for being talkative. the teachers always tell us that even when drinking milk, she likes to make noises, wanting to talk. hahaha.... i was commenting to jerry that the teacher so poor thing. early in the morning have to talk so much. this is all thanks to our little miss chatter box who is consciously trying to keep her mouth close in the next picture...

anyway, babies gets away with everything! yeah


  1. she looks like tweety bird

  2. eh... her face shape apparently takes after you lor... hehe
