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Thursday, September 18, 2008

infant care

sarah spent the first day at infant care barely sleeping a wink, i guessed she was still trying to get accustomed to the new environment. she was so tired that when she got home, she slept from 7pm till 6am.

on the positive note though, she wasnt cranky and didnt cry. when we went back to pick her up in the evening, she was playing quietly with the cot mobile. at the moment, she is youngest in her group, the rest of her 'class mates' are on average a year older, thus she is getting a fair bit of attention from the care takers.

as for us, after putting her in, we went out on a date. though the first thing on the agenda was to make a trip down to raffles place, as flo had her heart set on getting some new rompers for sarah. in the end, she bought a dozen rompus, with lovely prints for under 50. she was very proud and pleased with her buy, and couldnt wait to put it on sarah.

after that, we went to catch wall-e at j8. felt like dating days all over again, sharing nachos and holding hands while watching the movie. hehe.

just before picking up sarah, we popped by the library and borrowed two baby einstein dvds, since she is always stealing a peep whenever we are watching tv, might as well let her watch something educational!

the day passed by so quickly, but we were happy that we can get to see sarah again. it took a while for her to recognise us, but once she did, she couldnt stop yakking, as if wanting to tell us about the goings of the day at the infant care.

day 2 of infant care, we decided to put her in early, at 0730, so as to get a feel of the timing before flo heads back to work next week. after enjoying breakfast at nearby coffee shop, i dropped flo home on the way to work.

i guessed when flo got home alone, upon seeing the empty cot, she started missing sarah badly. she was crying, almost inconsolable when i called in to check on her, so in the end, i brought her to the infant care to have a peep at sarah during lunch time. when we got there, sarah was sleeping soundly in her cot, that sort of put flo's mind at ease. after that she went to town to source for her work clothes.

when we picked her up in the evening, we were glad to learn that this time she slept much more compared to the day before. which meant she is starting to get used to the new environment. on the way back, she recognised flo and began yakking away happily and couldnt stop, we waited a while in the car park for her to stop before heading back home!


  1. 'she is a good girl', my sis says = )

    sobs.. miss her every second but i know we made the right decision and she is in good hands. lookin forward to each day after work to pick her up from school and the fun activities we going to have with her in the weekends. wanna work hard to earn money so that can buy her lots of nice stuff too. = )

  2. Hey!!!! Sarah looks different already!!!! heheee....
