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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Occupy Marina Boulevard Movement

To view the National Day Parade.
 All eyes affixed on the bay.
 The patrol crafts getting ready for their performance manoeuvre.
 What has got Archie so stunned?
 The aerial display from the F15SGs that created loud sonic booms.
 It's up there!
 Night falls, the city skyline is illuminated by the lights.
 Too crowded, time to make people disappear with her wand!
 Negative demonstration, incorrect way of holding the light saber!
 She asked, why didn't the wand make people disappear?
 Seeing stars!
 Parade Commander!
Pity, could not get a good shot of the fireworks, as we had to carry the kids during the display!
They had fun!

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