Met up with Vernon & Evelyn for dinner at Fat Cat and they took most of the beautiful photos seen below.
Archie having a papadum as an appetitiser.
Some colouring to kill time before dinner is served.
Looking fresh.


Sarah and her colouring assistant.

Proudly showing off her masterpiece with Uncle Vernon.

The confession of a toddler.

Her favourite uncle for the night.

Dinner is served! Butter Chicken!

Let's dig in!
Still trying to learn to pose with a V.
No success.Crossed over to Wimbly Lu for desserts!
They managed to get their own private corner.
The 'everything looks yummy' display cabinet.
They love Uncle Vernon!
She found a treasure box, full of toys.
Raiding the stash.
A rare shot of the two of us!
Homemake chocolate ice cream.
Lava cake.
A greedy girl!
Making themselves comfortable!
Hello, I have been a great fan of your blog. Do you mind to share how do you create the photo borders with shadow? Hope you can share :) Thank you!
ReplyDeleteBasically it's a photoshop job, 'stroke' inwards to create border. Create an underneath layer, fill it with black, Gaussian blur it then warp.