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Monday, January 23, 2012

CNY Day 1, 2012

The kids all dressed up in the Chinese Costumes.
Archie offering his first orange to Grand Ma.
The kids with their Grand Ma.
Not forgetting Grand Pa.
He is in excellent mood, busy playing with the portable LED light.
Archie got a kiss from Clubbie!
Their favourite moment, iPad time.
She got nails painted by Grand Aunt Judith.
In the evening, we went back to Grand Ma's house again. This time, their favourite cousin, Brian was there.
They were so happy to see each other that they had to do a dragon dance to celebrate!
Archie is totally into it! Look at his expressions!
The customary CNY card game, however, it is the 'G' rated version, UNO.
Enjoying himself by the corner, despite not being included in the game.

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