The family went out shopping together at Great World City. There was only one mission, to clock hunt. We have been living without a clock in the house for over 2 months. Nothing has caught our eyes so far, and nothing at Great World too.
Sarah has been wearing her pair of crocs for the longest time, we' been wanting to get a better pair of shoes for her. But getting her to try on shoes has thus proved to be very challenging. When we walked past a shop selling toddler shoes, I casually asked her if she wanted to choose a pair. She stood in front of the display and she picked one! We quickly brought her inside to sit down and try on the shoes!
This is the pair that she picked.
This is the pair that Papa picked.

She was so happy after she put on the pair that she picked, she was jumping all around, when she realised that there was a mirror to look at, she was overjoyed! Whats with woman and shoes?

In the end, we went with the pair that she picked as it look more comfortable on her and, anyway, she refused to take it off.

Sarah and the King crab. She was fascinated with the size of the crab living in a tank of a seafood restaurant.

Mama trying to snap a family portrait, Sarah was only interested in looking at her own reflection though.

We walked into a kid's shop loaded with toys, the first thing that she did was to pick up a box of jig saw, and proclaimed loudly 'I want to pay money!'. -_-"
Luckily that's the only thing that she wanted to pay money for, we managed to distract her by asking her to go for a test drive.

Looks like she didn't fancied the tricycle much, Papa didn't fancy the price tag either.

As we walked to the atrium, she was offered a balloon, of cos she grabbed it with both hands.
Mama trying to take a pic of the kiddos with Papa, Archie boy was sleeping.

While we were snapping away, we were snapped by a tourist from behind. He did approached us later and showed Mama his master piece. Sarah was looking at him warily as he was talking to Mama.

We finally got a family portrait after Mama approached the sales person at the car show. The mannequin is not part of the family though.

Sarah showing off her new shoes, taken just before we make our way home for dinner.

Archie got a taste of the balloon.

Although we did not managed to find our clock, it was a fun family outing.
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