Sarah was given a party hat and a bottle of bubble solution by Auntie Carol. She was trilled with her presents and could not wait to play with them.
She had fun trying to balance the hat on her head without the chin strap. Every time the hat fall off, she would let out a loud giggle.

Today, she learned how to blow her own bubbles without our assistance. She was captivated by Chloe's seriousness in blowing the bubbles that she got inspired to blow her own.

After helping herself to 5 bowls of fried rice, we brought her to see Raven's chalet room. Inside the room, we found Raven playing excitingly with his new thomas and friends train set. There was a heap of thomas and friends birthday present piling up inside the room!
Sarah was not into the trains, she was instead more interested with the balloons and keep spinning herself round and round with the balloon behind her.

After eating the birthday cake, we bid farewell to our good host as it was way past her bed time. She sure had alot of fun at the party.
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