Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hilda's take on CNY

A series of shots taken by Hilda on the first day of CNY at beach rd.

Sarah holding on firmly to the red packet given to her by great grandma.
Papa trying to calm her down.
Mama offering her a barter trade, bananas for red packet.
You know what she chose, food of course.
There was still space in her stomach for many pieces of kueh lapis.
The banana gave her too much energy, she had to resort to shifting/pushing stools to burn it off.
After burning off her excessive energy, it's back to recharging them again, LUNCH time!
Papa looked like he had dozed off, while Sarah was posing cheekily for Auntie Hilda.
She then ran around and offered to shake everyone's hand. Very PR.
A shot of her with great grandma.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just having fun

Just having fun, that's all she wants nowadays. She does not want to take her nap in the afternoon nor sleep early at night.

Went over to Membina this morning to visit Auntie Jen and Great Auntie Margaret, as well as the playground.
Some lovely shots of her taken by Auntie Jen at the playground.

I love this playground too! Why? Because it's much lower than the one we have at our place, I do not have to accompany her to climb up every time she wants to play the slide!

Independent Girl↓
She did not get to spend too long at the playground though, as the sun was blazing. Nevertheless, she found her own playground upstairs. There she is performing a perfect back arch using the main gate.
Epi pop by to pay us a visit on her monthly off day, how sweet of her.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Raven's 3rd Birthday Party

We went to Downtown East today to celebrate Raven's third birthday.

Sarah was given a party hat and a bottle of bubble solution by Auntie Carol. She was trilled with her presents and could not wait to play with them.

She had fun trying to balance the hat on her head without the chin strap. Every time the hat fall off, she would let out a loud giggle.

Today, she learned how to blow her own bubbles without our assistance. She was captivated by Chloe's seriousness in blowing the bubbles that she got inspired to blow her own.

After helping herself to 5 bowls of fried rice, we brought her to see Raven's chalet room. Inside the room, we found Raven playing excitingly with his new thomas and friends train set. There was a heap of thomas and friends birthday present piling up inside the room!

Sarah was not into the trains, she was instead more interested with the balloons and keep spinning herself round and round with the balloon behind her.
I was surprised it was so easy to get the three of them to stand still together at the same time to take this shot with only one take. Raven, Sarah & Chloe.
After getting sick of the balloons, Sarah found her new toy, Chloe's Barney bedroom slippers.
She danced around happily after pestering me to put it on for her.
The green dragon pinata.
Pinata bashing session opens. After a million hits, the pinata finally broke.
All the kids made a mad dash to grab the confetti of sweets and candies, Sarah included.
Of course, Raven's birthday cake had to be Thomas and friends.
Sarah sang along happily to the tune of the birthday song. She could follow the tune accurately, the words however are still not very accurate as yet, but she is making good improvement!

After eating the birthday cake, we bid farewell to our good host as it was way past her bed time. She sure had alot of fun at the party.

Friday, February 19, 2010

♥ bags

She is in love with carrying her haversack bag with her, even when she does not need it! We were just going downstairs after dinner for a stroll, she insisted on having her back pack on.

Everyone says she looks like flo, i see a little tiny weeny bit of me in this side profile shot of her's!

Happily waving bye bye to us even though she is going nowhere.
tod in a hurry.

The Messy Eater

Sarah is such a messy eater these days, to make things worse, she refuses to wear bib. So after every meal, she is a real mess, her face, her clothes and not to mention the floor is in a total mess.

She is addicted to drinking soup and is capable of finishing one big bowl of soup by herself every meal. Her favourite way of drinking the soup is shown in the photo below, drinking in straight from the bowl!

After she is done with her soup, her whole top would be wet!

Bei at 35 weeks

We are in the final month now, Bei will reach 35 weeks tomorrow.

Today's scan shows that he has grown to 2.28kg. The growth rate has not increased as much as in week 28-31, but the weight gain remains satisfactory. Dr Fong told us not to expect a big baby as Sarah was delivered at 2.44kg.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A disastrous attempt to capture her expressions

It was the first time that we see her doing that, we were shocked at first but we could not stopped laughing after that. Kids are so real and expressive. I cannot get it out of my mind, i tried to coax her to repeat the same act again at home, only to get a scolding from mama flo!

Sarah & Grandma Elizabeth

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Our first family portrait for the tiger year.
Sarah is wearing her 肚兜装 that mama bought for her from Malaysia.
She insisted on carrying Mama's Coach bag out to 拜年!
Our first stop was to Bright Hill Temple, where we met 姨婆 to pay respect to chor chor. Sarah still remembers her and offered mandarin oranges to her. After that, we left for membina together.

While at membina, Sarah got her first taste of spicy potato chips. We were surprised that she was able to handle to spiciness, as even we found it to be quite hot. She loved the chips and kept putting her tiny hand back into the bag for more, even though her eyes were tearing!

The weather over the past few days have been really terribly hot, below is how she looked with her sweat drenched hair.
After biding farewell to 姨婆,we went over to beach road with 姨姨. Upon arrival, Sarah insisted on carrying the orange bag. While walking towards the lift lobby, she suddenly threw down the bag and started picking out the oranges!

After much persuasion, we managed to coax her to continue the journey and took the lift up to great grandma's house. Great grandma was very happy to see Sarah, as Sarah was her mischievous self, after receiving her ang bao, she was dancing around the living room.
We managed to take a photo together with great grandma.