both of us took half day leave so that we could spend sometime alone with her. mama flo brought an awfully chocolate cake to her school. the cake was also a token of appreciation from us to the care givers for taking good care of sarah.

sarah was abit surprised to see us so early in the day, she immediately wanted the attention of her mother. she was quite cranky and refused to sit down in the baby chair as she wanted mama flo to carry her, however, the flickering flame on her birthday candle soon caught her attention.

after we left school, we headed over to SAF Yacht Club for some snacks and drinks. sarah was deliberating over what to order, she was very serious and gave a stern look while 'reading' the menu.
it was a perfect day to go the yacht club, even though the weather was humid, the strong sea breeze totally blew away the heat and humidity. being a week day, there was no crowd at the cafe, we had the entire outdoor area to ourself.

she can walk forever, after she tired out mama, the 'baton' was passed on to daddy and the walkaton continues...
after we got 'sea sick', we teleported ourselves over to ikea for more horsing around.
mama couldnt resist putting this towel hood onto sarah. she was in a very good mood, normally she wouldnt allow us to put anything over her head.
see, i didnt lie, we really went to ikea to 'horse' around, or moose around actually!
there were alot of crazy party hats lying around, which meant mama had to put them on for sarah..
we finally pushed her patience to the limit! she didnt want any more things on her head!
we had our dinner at chalk, a restuarant on mt sophia, they had a relatively good ambience, but the nice quiet ambience was soon destroyed by noisy sarah. she even managed to draw a few angry stares from the adjacent table!
overall a fun day for the family, don't reckon she can remember a thing. these photos will help refresh her memory when she looks back next time.
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