many thanks to all the relatives and friends that made time to attend sarah's first party! the living room was abit like a nursery with so many kids around. its a pity that we didnt managed to capture much pictures this time round, as we were very busy with entertaining all our guests.
the day before the party, we brought sarah to the p.d., as we have worryingly observed occasional jerking and twitching when she is asleep. as the jerks doesnt last long each time, p.d. told us that it might be a mild form of myoclonic jerk that will go away as she grows older. *phew*. even better news, sarah got to have her weight taken, she is now 3.27kg.
now that she is coming to a month old, we only have 20years and 11mths left till her financial independence! optimistic thinking!
Very peaceful moments captured! nice nice.