on sunday, managed to grab a braun ear thermometer for sarah, while loitering around marina mall before wai kim's wedding. flo is happy that she got a new dress, new bedsheet, new pillow case and new bolster case.

the food at the wedding was very good, the best i had in a while. cod steak :0~. the cold dish was excellent, crunchy suckling pig, tender roast duck. :0~
sarah's kick is so powerful now, that with 1 kick she can wake flo up in the middle of the night. quite an amazing feat if you ask me, she is the only one who can kick flo up and get away with it. 90 days to go!
yeah yeah! indeed there is much more space in our room. tx chubby hubby for putting in so much effort all Sat, demolishing the old bulky bed and fixing up the new one, all by yourself. Appreciate it lots! *hugs*
ReplyDeletehospital bed.... hee.. think with the additional pillows i intend to get with the lovely new sheets we got, the bed is going to be very nice and cosy. *dreams*
somehow, i feel there is still so much more left to do. it seems endless... need to get more toyogo containers, clothes hanger, collect and fix baby cot, rearrange room for baby cot, get the remaining itsy gritsy stuff for sarah, err.... wash the nappies and clothes for sarah's arrival, etc etc etc.... *yawns*
but jerry will always motivate me by reminding me that its all for a good course and when we see sarah, we know it is all worth it. *smiles widely*