has been a while...
not due to laziness...
its due to a couple of incidents..
first of all the pc has gone down again, everythings seems to break down at the same time, the dvd player, bla bla bla......
secondly, the family has been hit with various injuries. sarah had a minor bump on the head (nothing serious), mummy aggravated her strained wrist badly, daddy had a 2nd degree burn on the right calf.
without the pc, the blogging had been delayed till today as i dragged my feet back into office from my ict.
finally after a month's haitus, due to a bout of flu and cough, sarah got her third vaccination at the turn of the year. she is tilting the weighing scale to 7kg (that probably explains why mummy's wrist is getting worse). she is still 10% off the median for a 7mths baby, but the doctor was satisfied with the growth rate.
an update on her progression, she is now able to stand and walk with support, the bed rail that we got to prevent her from rolling off the bed has instead become her support to practice standing and
side walking cruising (got a phone call immediately from mummy flo when she discovered i used the incorrect term).
an update on sarah's wardrobe, got plenty of clothes for her online and at retail outlets for sarah after mummy got worried that sarah had only rompers to wear for cny, she probably has enough to wear for all 15 days of cny now. but solving one problem creates another one, now mummy's worry is 'what should i let her wear?' oh well.
no photos to post for this entry as the camera man has been grouchy of late due to his injury.
jingle of the month - "twooo twoo twoo twoo when when when?"