Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 29, 2008

Turned into a Dare-Devil

i actually witness sarah turn from her back to her tummy TWICE, in her rocker 5 mins ago!!! unfortunately, no pictures to post as i did not want her to be left in her face flat down position for too long in case she starts to cry. she now show signs of a fearless dare-devil. scary!!! but i am still proud of her... great motor skills at such a tender age, barely 3 months! ; )

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cold Sunday

it was raining cats and dogs all sunday. sarah is usually afraid of being hot and she perspires easily. but we got her dressed in long sleeves as the weather was really really cold! the purple mickey mouse top was a gift sarah received at her 1 mth party and it even comes with a pointy hat. of course there is a matching purple pants but she is not wearing it as it is still kinda long for her. so we put her in the pink ali-baba shorts given by ah-ma. and of course, grandma did not just give the shorts. it is actually matching to a hello kitty top which she has yet to wear. ;)

anyhow, we found her looking cute in her 'attire' and here goes...

tis is what her daddy did to her magician hat as i excitedly snapped the 'not so sharp' pics =X


Friday, August 22, 2008


little miss sarah sleeping contentedly in her cot, her left leg dangling without a care for the world. this is exactly what flo does, occasionally, when she sleeps, like mother like daughter!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


love the look of sarah whenever she has her full feeding of milk. she will look like she is floating on clouds!!! this satisfied look of hers is one which we see almost all the time and jerry insisted i got my lazy self out of the bed to take pictures of her (usually it is vice versa). many a times as she 'floats', she will give us a cheeky smile, peeping from the slit of her eyes. she sure show us signs of a mischievous nature.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Carbon copy

sarah is increasingly looking like mini flo. look at the resemblance between this two photos, one of flo and one of sarah! its like a carbon copy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Potluck at yeo's

haven't been blogging much of late due to a combination of busy-ness and laziness. was invited to yeo's for a potluck session with the usual gang.

thanks to vernon 'the mom' wong that we got another couple of family portraits for keep.

snapping away at the clubhouse.

hiro and sarah making friends, they were busy making baby talks. sarah has grown to become more aware of her surroundings, interesting sounds and the sights always captures her attention. today is the first time that she is aware of another baby, and they stole glances at each other!


many monkey faces! she has grown quite a fair bit since the last time i posted her picture. her face and head has grown bigger and rounder!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


sarah was grounded over the weekend, it wasnt because she was naughty, or came home late. it was because she had her vaccination buffet of hexa (6 in 1), pneumococcal and rotavirus. we had to give her the pneumococcal so early as she will be sent to infant care when flo's maternity leave is over. she was very brave, only cried for a very short while, despite having injections at each of her thighs! we are so proud of her.

on saturday night, she had slight fever due to the vaccinations, thankfully, by sunday morning, the fever had subsided. she has been in a very good mood, extremely generous with her smiles, especially after feeding!

thanks to her godpa stanley and pei pei, that sarah could recuperate in the comfort of a hanging cradle!

growth update: she is now two month old and weighs 4.288kg.