Went for an appointment with the obstetrician today, Sarah has gained about 350grams in a month. according to dr fong, she is about 200 grams or 13% off the ideal weight of 1500 grams. nagged and nagged at flo for her inconsistent calcium intake. from now on i will personally pound the pills and see to her intake!
At week 30, sarah will start producing B.A.T, Brown Adipose Tissue. this is similar to the kind of fat found in hibernating animals. this will be sarah's main source of heat production after birth, because newborn babies have a limited ability to shiver, sweat or move to regulate their own body temperature. Her brain is starting to grow in size and complexity as well, and the pupils of her eyes can now respond to light! according to flo, sarah is so active at night because of me watching tv in the room, the light from the tv is disturbing sarah's sleep! :<