Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday at the Park 25/04/2010

Brought Sarah down to the park for a walk on the sunny Sunday morning. As it has been pouring in the evening over the past week, we have not brought her outdoors for quite a while. She is very excited about going for a walk especially if the doggies are coming along as well.
Marching side by side with clubbie.
She is able to distinguish the different parts of our neighbourhood, she will say 'Play' and point to the particular direction when she wants to go to the playground.  There she is walking towards the playground with the dogs trying to keep up with her.

She looks to be in a hurry.
Going down her favourite spiral green slide at the playground.
She is captivated by the group of uncles practicing martial arts at playground.
Doing some excerise to tone her triceps.

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