Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stay home weekend

Another stay home weekend, too lazy too tired too troublesome to get out of the house.

Brought her out for a pram ride, she ended up falling asleep in the pram while we were at the void deck.
After her power nap, she was up practicing her hip hop moves.
On Sunday, she spent some time with 奶奶 trying to figure out the sticker book.
奶奶 guiding her to the correct placement of the stickers.
After the sticker session, she had fun in the mini pool with her balls.
I did not do splash the water all over your head, Mama did. So Sarah, you know who to look for when you grow up!

Some videos of her singing and dancing along to her favourite tunes.

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