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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Archie's Red Egg Party

Time flies when one is extremely busy, we don't know how we did it, but we survived one month taking care of the two kids! We were so happy that we survived, we even threw a party!
That's how much Sarah loves being a big sister, she told the world!
Archie boy, he has grown tremendously within a month, all thanks to 妈妈牌 milk.
Most of the time he was sleeping sweetly in his pram.
He was very excited posing together with 外公 and Auntie Linda, for their first photo together.
What was the big sister doing all this while, playing happily somewhere. But at least she played safely, she wore a helmet when piloting an aeroplane, however she was steering it with her feet!
Happily playing balls together with 奶奶 and Uncle Nic
We got balloon for all the kids who attended the party to bring home. They were all snatched up by the end of the party.
She sure knows how to strike a pose.

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