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Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Morning

Monday morning, getting Sarah ready for school has always been a challenge. If she is in a good mood, then it's a breeze. However, if she is in a grouchy mood, then we have to resort to bribery or forced evacuation. She is lucky that we are in a good mood today, we bribed her with her current favourite food, cheese. Once she hears the phrase 'You want cheese?', she will stop whatever she is doing and camp herself outside the fridge and starts the cheese chant.

The minute she gets her cheese, she will gobble them up, see picture below. We have to limit her to 2 slices per day as she has no limit and will come back begging, crying for more.

The dogs gets excited whenever they see her eating cheese.

Why? Because she like to share with them some of her cheese.

Mean while, Archie boy gets to sleep in on a Monday morning, how lucky. He is wearing the rompers from Great Aunt Gate & Aunt Jen.
He likes to make this ugly cute mouth shape

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