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Monday, March 1, 2010

CNY 15th Dinner

We had our 元宵 dinner at the 7th Storey Restaurant at the Marina Barrage.

But instead of having it on the 15th night, we brought in forward by a day to fit into everybody's schedule.

We had to sit outdoors as we were having the steamboat. Even though the weather has been terribly warm and humid, it was quite enjoyable as there was a constant sea breeze.

Another lou hei (捞起), thankfully it's the last of the year, had enough of shredded carrots and radishes.
Sarah enjoyed it, especially the crackers.
We had the ala-carte + steamboat set for 10. The portions was too much as we had only 7 adults and 2 toddlers.

As it is a hainanese restaurant, we had to have 白斩鸡+ 猪扒!

Their specialty, the charcoal fish steamboat. There was really lots and lots of fish meat inside, we ate until we were so sick of fish.

Overall, it was an enjoyable family dinner in a lovely setting.

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